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How Can I Earn My High School Diploma?

There are three ways Maryland residents can earn their high school diploma:

  1. Graduate from high school.
  2. Take and pass all four GED® tests.
  3. Successfully complete the National External Diploma Program (NEDP®). Scroll down for information about the NEDP®.

GED® Test Preparation Program

What does GED® stand for?

 General Educational Development

Am I eligible to take Adult Basic Skills/GED® Test Preparation Classes?

You are eligible to take Adult Basic Skills/GED® Test Preparation classes if you:

  • Are at least 18 
  • Have officially withdrawn from high school (only if you are 18)
  • Have attended an orientation and complete assessment

My daughter is 17. Can she join AACC's ABS/GED® Test Preparation or NEDP® program?

No, an individual must be at least 18 years old and officially withdrawn from high school to participate in the program.

Can I schedule my child (relative or friend) for a GED®/NEDP® orientation?

No. Only a student herself/himself can schedule an orientation appointment. Book your orientation and  assessment now.

How much do ABS/GED® Test Preparation classes cost?

AACC offers ABS/ GED® Test Preparation classes at no cost to students.

What does it cost to take the actual GED® exam?

For details about testing dates, locations and costs, visit the Maryland Department of Labor or the GED Testing Service.

How long does it take to get my GED®?

It varies greatly depending on the last grade you completed, how long you have been out of school and how much time you prepare for the test.

Do you hold evening or weekend GED®/NEDP® orientations?

No. Currently all GED® orientation sessions are held during the day beginning promptly at 9 a.m. and ending around 2 p.m.

When can I start classes?

Your start date, which will be determined after you have attended an orientation session, will depend upon the availability of classes at that time.

Do you have evening or weekend classes?

Yes, we offer evening, morning and weekend classes at different locations. For detailed class schedule click here.

I am interested in online GED® preparation courses.

We offer online and in-person ABS and GED® Test Preparation classes. To participate fully in online classes, you need access to the internet and a computer (desktop, laptop or Chromebook) with webcam, speakers and microphone.

Can I take the GED® test in Spanish?

Yes, in Maryland you can take the GED® test in English and Spanish, except for the Reasoning Through Language Arts section, which must be taken in English. If you are considering taking any of the subjects in Spanish, it is highly recommended that you take the GED Ready® practice test before taking the official GED® test in that subject. Keep in mind that we offer the ABS/GED® classes only in English. AACC offers English Language Learning (ELL) classes to help you improve English language skills.

Do you teach people to read?

No. We refer those who cannot read to the Anne Arundel County Literacy Council. Students must be able to read independently, write and have basic math skills to enroll in classes.

How can I schedule my official GED® exam?

AACC is a certified official testing location; however you must book your appointment through the GED Testing Service.

I passed the GED® exam but never received my diploma. How can I get my diploma?

To request diplomas, copies and transcripts, visit the GED® Testing Service website or contact GED® testing service at or 877-EXAM-GED (877-392-6433). For information about GED® testing in Maryland, visit the Maryland Department of Labor website.

NEDP® Frequently Asked Questions

What does NEDP® stand for?

National External Diploma Program.

Am I eligible to enroll in the NEDP®?

You are eligible to enroll in the NEDP® program if you: 

  • Are at least 18 years old
  • Are a Maryland resident
  • Have officially withdrawn from high school (only if you are 18)
  • Have attended a program orientation and complete assessment
  • Meet cut scores

What should I do to get started?

Before registering for the program, you must attend an orientation and assessment session in person. During this session, you will learn about the NEDP® program, complete a timed test in reading and math, and discuss your educational plan with a member of the intake team.

Book your orientation and assessment now.

Can I schedule my child (relative or friend) for a NEDP® orientation?

Only a student herself/himself can schedule an orientation appointment.

Would the NEDP® be a good program for me?

NEDP® is designed for self-directed adults with high school level skills. Participants must have some familiarity using a computer. This flexible program allows participants to complete assignments at home and to set their own pace. You will meet regularly with an NEDP® advisor to demonstrate competency in the various skills. 

It can be a very good fit for self-directed students who do not thrive in a classroom environment or who have difficulty with standardized testing.

How much does NEDP® program cost?

AACC’s NEDP® program is free to participants. 

Does the NEDP® provide instructions or learning materials for the program participants?

The NEDP® does not include a teaching component, and participants are responsible for learning the skills needed to complete assignments independently.

How long does it take to complete the NEDP®?

This is self-paced program. Your skill level at the time you begin the program and the amount of time you can devote to coursework determine the length of time required to complete the program. 

What do I get for completing the NEDP®?

Upon completion, you will be awarded a high school diploma by the Maryland Department of Labor. There is open enrollment throughout the year.


Email or call 410-777-1823. Provide your name, phone number and email, and a staff member will respond to you during office hours, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


We're here to help.

Adult Basic Skills

High School Diploma Options at AACC (English)

High School Diploma Options at AACC (Spanish)